Tammy Van Zant

LynyrdskynyrdLynyrdskynyrdlynyrdskynyrd.lap.hu/9-99hu16725420542007-03-12 21:11:372023-01-01 04:00:54Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2007


By the age of 10 years old, Tammy Van Zant had already felt and witnessed firsthand the joys and the tragedies of life. The eldest daughter of rock icon, Ronnie Van Zant (lead singer of Lynyrd Skynyrd), Tammy felt her strength fall from the sky on a dreary and dark October evening in 1977. In an instant, hope seemed to disappear as the call came and news flashed everywhere of her famous father and several others who were killed in a plane crash in a swampy area of rural Mississippi.


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"If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me?"